Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last day of 2009 and 1st day of 2010

I feel I am very very blessed that the very last second of 2009 was with baby. And WE ARE TOGETHER since the very 1st second of the year 2010.... We had dinner with baby's parents and den went mount faber.. Sheena n her family was with us up there too... Baby and myself spent a few hours on mount faber and watched the fireworks... Everything was so nice and so sweet....

Some of my reflections for year 2009:

a) Feel lucky to meet n know buddy... COS HE INTRO BABY TO ME
b) Blessed that BABY CAME INTO MY LIFE
c) Sorry that I might had disappointed a few of my friends... sometime, I might be forgetful in things that I had said or done... Hope everything will be forgiven and forget:>
d) Blessed that my best friends are still my best friends... and thank god that he had send them to me... and thanks that they had been with my throughout my depression/moody/down period... Thanks for all the time spent with me:>
e) I am very sorry that I had been "angry" with baby many times, should have more angry management... and not make baby sad
f) Regret to leave ASTAR cos till now still have not get a full time job. Felt useless cos cant save money to prepare for future.

My goals and aim for year 2010:

a) More angry management (actually is baby want de... -_-'' hahaha... of cos i oso hope i will be able to control my temper... hahaha)
b) Find a full time job
c) save at least 12K to my savings... ( provided that i got a full time job)
d) Slim down and prepare to get married if baby wants to propose and marry me... hahaha...
e) Hoping that everyone will be happy and healthy

For the moment is like that ba... hehe...

ALL THE BEST FOR 2010.... BABY, u must JIA YOU oso!!!!

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