Monday, December 28, 2009

2nd Oversea trip, Genting 29th Oct 09 - 1st Nov 09

Baby n mi went to the genting (our 2nd oversea trip)....

Went to take the Five Star Travel coach at Boon Lay shopping Centre... On the way the Genting, Baby was very excited... and i was sleeping all the while... haha... he told mi that the scenary was very the nice.... hmm... but i prefer to meet Mr. Zhou Gong.... den reach there he very sleepy lor.... haha... slp till the next morning in First World resort... faint...

1st day, it was raining the whole day.... so baby cannot go theme park... we went to eat Marry Brown... Baby oso feel that it is nice.... den the whole day we just walk ard and take pictures... he super wat lor.... keep insisting to go theme park... raining lor... LIKE A KID... super buai ta han... hahaha...

2nd day, we went to outdoor theme park... play the whole day... i very tired lor... i cannot imagine that next time i old le, still need to go theme park with my kids... i tink i will die lor... a big baby is enough le... every game wanna play lor... faint.. den he insisted to play the tokens games to win a soft toy for me... faint lor, spent a lot n dint manage to get anything... haha... not lucky enough... den it started to rain again.... went indoor to buy the indoor theme park tickets...
Play whole day... tired but very fun.... hehe...

Den stay in the arcade n play games... won many game tickets and exchange for many gifts.. haha...

Went to take the cable-car with baby... he super super happy lor.... haha... love him a lot..

Went in the casino, play RM60 den baby heart pain... faint... den i decided to leave... but we drink a lot of milo inside... haha..

3rd day, after breakfast at the super crowded resort cafe... went walk walk n den go back sg le...

Had a lot fun over there... BAby, LOVE U....

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