Monday, November 2, 2009

Just some thoughts...

It's just some thoughts.....
Today, Baby bought me a note-book for my new part-time job de *note- taking*...
Initially, i wanted a cover with many many colours.... But Baby feel that the 1 with plain cover is nicer....
His point of view : Simple is nice... life should be simplified....
My point of view : Life should be colourful.... colour adds life to days...
Everyone have different values and different views in different things...
This make each of us a unique personnel...
Anyway, I just choose the 1 that Baby like lor.... ^_^
Today, baby shared with me that 2 of his friends (a couple who had been 2gather for almost 5years) was having some relationship troubles.... It just make me feel that communication is an impt factor being a couple... Hmmm.. How should I put it...? Because the longer period the couple attached to each other (Physically attached to each other, seeing each other)... They always thought that the other party should understand and know them well enough... well enough to know what are they thinking about or how are they feeling... cos the thinking n feeling of "we have been togather for so long already... U should know me"..... But the fact is... Male and Female are TOTALLY DIFFERENT... That's why they are called the "OPPOSITE"... Being 2gather doesn't make u understand/know each other.... If that is the case, why dint u know and understand ALL of ur colleagues since u SEE and BE WITH them 5days per week....? Anyway, as a couple, As years go by... the more u tink that he/she should know u better and better... however, without communication to each other on ur feeling, thoughts, or even ur love, etc... nothing is gonna happen.... the distance between both of u is actually drifting apart... Therefore, sometime being direct and straight-forward, or even asking qns, and telling him/her simple things like :
-U make my day cos.....
-It hurts me when u.....
-the event happened just now actually affects me....
-why are u feeling sad? Had I done something that upset u?
-I don't understand why are u doing this...? In my point of veiw..
-What I actually want is.....
-U make me feels that I am nt as impt as ur frens.... because......
-I need a listening ears today.... I do not need any suggestion at this moment...
-We have not been talking these few days, how about a coffee @ a cafe??
Understanding = communication...
Love requires understanding, muture respects, time, patience, communication, trust, faithful, honestly, caring, concern, believed, toleration (to naggings?? hahaha), and even white lies (lolx).. there might be more, but this is what i can tink of at this moment....

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