Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Attention seeker?

Last Friday, I told Baby about my feeling… A feeling that he dint show me enough care and concern… it all started when I went for my primary school classmates gathering @ Bugis… Baby dint even bother to ask me what time the gathering will end? Do I need him to fetch me back? I sms-ed him and he dint really reply me… he dint even inform me that he his whereabouts…. He don't even tell sms me when he knock off from work... and dint tell me when he left home to meet his friend.... He had fixed a appointment with his friend after he knew I was “book” for that evening… I called him a few times, and finally at 11pm, I ask whether he is still with his friend and informed him that I will be leaving soon… that was the 1st time that he realized that he should drive me home… however, he told me to wait 45minutes before he can reached… hmmm, that would be 11.45pm?? I took MRT back…. Talked to him till about 2am…

I know that most of the times when people make promises, there are high tendency that the promises will be forgotten… However, the promises to love someone and take good care of your love one should not even be a promise… it is actually from your heart and it should last forever….

Since I was a young gal… I always hope that if I found my special one, then I should be the one in his life… I will be the most important one and the one that he would cherish for all his life… I am a gal who needs a lot of time and attention… I wanna my love one to be with me every moment if possible~~

It just because that I am an attention seeker…

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