Sunday, April 11, 2010

Camping @ East Coast

It's been such a long time since i login to my blog.... hehe... am I being lazy or simply busy…?

Baby and I had went to the sea-side for picnic some weeks ago… Therefore we had this plan to camp overnight @ East Coast Park… hehe… Baby and I had went to the Giant to get a 6-Men tent… We are not aware of the different between monodome and waterproof…. Therefore we just got the “good” and cheap 1… the monodome tent which cost us $35.90~~ happy :)

Baby’s parents drive us to the park in the eveing of Good Friday (2nd April 2010)… Baby’s mummy stroll along the beach, Baby trying his luck to fly his kite, while his Papa sit on the stone bench enjoying the sea breeze… And I stay in the tent (avoiding the sun) and taking pictures~~

I am very amazed that Baby had KEEP trying to fly his kite for hours even though ther is NO WIND… hahahha… of cos he was just trying his luck and running on the beach with his kite like a small little kid~~ sometime, I just love him cos he is always so cute n sweet, innocent and kind little boy boy~~ Everyone was helping him…. and he tried till the sky was dark -_- hahahaha

When Baby’s parent left and we spent quite some time talking n talking… enjoying the nite~~ We were so tired that we fell asleep around 10pm… I slept in the tent with my sleeping bag, while Baby slept with half his lower body outside the tent as he claim that the tant was very warm~~

Early in the morning 4am, something bitten my toe… and I thought it was just an insect had came into the tent.. I covered my legs with the sleeping bag and continue sleeping~~ some time later around 5am, I heard so noise from the corner of the tent, I thought that I was just the wind, when I nearly dose off, I heard the noise again!!

I jump out of the tent and wake Baby up… “Baby, Baby wake up….!! There is something inside!!” We shined the torchlight into the tent… and… there was a CRAB!!!! Baby still ask me “with me this security guard, how come this crab can go in huh??” This stupid “security guard” never “protects” me…. Faint… I wanna fire him…!! Hahaha… We managed to “catch” it using the mass-tin, n released it back to the beach

That was a good start for a great Saturday… haha… We went cycling and some food in the afternoon~~ the pedal of the bicycle drop off in the middle of the path~~ We were supposed to leave on sat evening, however, I ask baby to extend the camping for another day… Ya, that was a very SMART idea… cos, it started raining from evening… We thought that the rain will stop.. Therefore, we decided to go parkway to get some BBQ pit n food…. And the rain dint stop until 11pm..

We started our BBQ, finish our food and…. It started raining again~~ the wind was strong, and the rain was heavy… the material of the tent is NOT WATERPFOOF!! Water start “leaking” into out tent…

Baby used UNBERALLA inside the tent!! WAHAHAHAH… and he was all wet… as he was at the “frontline”..

We were too tired to move and the rain was too heavy… therefore we decided to stay in the tent and continue sleeping~~ ya, another “smart” move…. and the tent started to FLOOD… the rain water was very cold, and everything got wet… and we were soak in water before we decided to get out of our tent, and realize that we are the only survivors on the beach… there were so many tents around the night before.. and there is not a single soul to be found now.. The whole beach belongs to us privately~~ lolx…

The damage and “too-waterproof” tent was discarded… now we now wat is monodome….

We will be buying a waterproof tent!! WE WILL BE BACK…. It was a fun weekend~~ hehe.. With Baby around, I enjoy the 3D2N camp~~

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