Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby's Birthday

My First Blog is about…… Baby's 30th Birthday :>

Celebrated for him for… hmmm… 2 days ba…. Hehe…

Yesterday, wake up early to make cupcakes for him… it was quite a mess and I was in a rush... hahaha... cos I wanna make sure I completed it before he comes home….

I had searched many many days for the frosting information… asking Pearline for ideas n information….. it was quite funny when I was looking for the vanilla extract… I found the bottle stating vanilla essence… but… the liquid in the bottle is BROWN… I thought vanilla essence should be White (cos vanilla ice cream is white wah…. Lol)… so I tot ALL the products had expired…. Hahaha… finally, I called Pearline and ask her wat is the different between essence and extract… n asked her why the product is brown de... so weird de….. lolx… den she told mi that vanilla extract/essence is BROWN lor… lolx… funny… I tink I am very silly n blur… but I learnt a lesson… hehe..

And most importantly… have to thanks Qi for accompanying to with the searching and buying of the ingredients… we had went to Jurong West, Daiso, Giant, Clementi… and lastly, she had to bring everything back to her place cos I meeting Baby after the “shopping”.

Anyway, back to making the cupcake n frosting…. I was a rush cos I had o complete it before Baby knock off from work yesterday…. And the frosting was yellow before I added the blue colouring… but… after I added the blue tint, the frosting became green… -__- cos yellow + blue become green… lolx… so I kept adding the colouring till it became blue… hehe… (cos Baby like blue….) initially, when I casually asked Baby wat colour he like… he told mi black…. Faint lor… where gt Birthday make BLACK cake… den followed by blue… so I decided to make the blue frosting… hehe…

I managed to finish the cakes secretly before Baby came to my place… hehe… n I kept the cake in the fridge… but don know why he so blur… lolx.. cos he open the fridge so~~~~ many times… but dint see the box… lolx…

Anyway, we borrowed my Dad’s car and went to Vivo for a movie at 9.30pm… Baby dint know that I already secretly put the cakes in the car… hehe… ( I was quite worried that Baby will see the cake…) After movie, we went to the Henderson Waves… hehe… Baby was surprised (and also touched <---- I tink la) when he saw the cakes…. Hehe… anyway, we took some pics and celebrated his Birthday there... :)

Today, we went to West Coast Park for a picnic… we had prepared a lot of food… hmmm…. Got seaweed salad, chicken nuggets, grilled chicken wings, onion rings, garlic breads, grapes, and ice water… haha… and we FINISH all the food… haha… that’s why I put on so much weight… hahahha… anyway, I tink he really like the birthday card tat I hide it in the picnic mat… lolx…

Baby… HAPPY BIRTHDAY… LOVES YOU…. Hope u will be happy everyday…. N may ALL your wishes come true…..

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