Monday, September 21, 2009

Presents from baby

The puppies in the workshop open their eyes last Friday le... hehe... so cute lor.... haven take their picture yet.... very cute... hahahaha....

Last Friday, baby suppose to end work at 1.30pm.. den suddenly he msn me stating that he might be doing some O.T.... Den around lunch time, he sms mi stating tat he is going for a meeting, and will call me after the meeting ends... I dint realli care so much as he always wanted to do so much sai-gang... lolx.... anyway, i was also busy in the ofc....

We met @ Jurong point for dinner, Ambush, followed by Billy Bomber... too hungry.... haha.. Went to Fairprice after tat... wanted to get a new water bottle cos the current one not in good condition... but baby joked with me saying that the water leak from the bottle can be solved using Scott-tape, and just wash a few more times den the smell will not be there.... I don know why i so agitated and very unhappy... I told him "It's just a bottle wah... i can pay myself... dint ask u to pay wah"..... *angry* so dint tok to him after tat for some time.... anyway, just got a pack of instant noodle fm Fairprice... went to watson n value to "anyhow" buy things... cos whenever i not in good mood.... i like to buy things... lolx...

Saturday, wake up and realised my sweet baby had transferred all my things from the big office bag to the Agnes B bag... so sweet.... *but still angry abt ytd incident* ... anyway, b4 i get out of the hse to meet Jac for lunch suntec... I wanted to put my make-up kit into my bag... den.... A Nike PINK WATER BOTTLE was in the bag.... den i realise why baby dint wanted me to buy the bottle ytd... MY BABY is realli very SWEET~~~ sorry for being angry tat nite @ jurong point...

And tat nite, after the majong session with my fren fm Astar in my room, baby ask mi to close my eyes... den he present mi a Ikea's laptop support... hehe...

So, the whole story is.... he dint do go for any meeting or do O.T. on Friday... Instead, he went to Queensway and Ikea to get mi the two things.... I tink he is very cute n nice..... hehe..

Went to have a late dinner last nite... hmm... okok.. is supper le... hehe... den went to The Cathy for a movie, Phobia 2.... haha... the stories in the movie ok lah... but... i like the last story best... damn funny..... hahahhahahaha.... don know is scary movie or... lolx....

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