Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sad, tiring n stress day

Was very tired today.... maybe cos these few days dint had enough sleep.... bz-ing with all the outings, 7th mth lunar dinner and baby's bday celebration thingy... hehe...

before i went to the office, dad show mi a beehive on the tree just outside our house... OMG... the beehive so big lor.... n i dint notice it at all.. no wonder these few days got so many bees around the house... anyway... dad took some pictures and wanted mi to send them to the authority... cos I was on the fone with baby.... so i ask baby to help mi check for the authority information, so tat I can send them the information and pics... to get rid of the beehive.... When I reached office, my SWEET baby sms me that he had already informed National Park abt the beehive and they will deal with it in the afternoon.... Baby done everything for mi so I don need to send any info or call them personally.... *sweet sweet*

Was very sad when I heard that someone "kidnapped" 2 of the bigger puppies at the workshop.... I used to go play with them and feed them milk lor... how can they just take and go.... feeling sad... so, the whole day, dint even have the mood to even play with the 4 newborn puppies.... dad was asking mi why i dint bring them in to play with like wat i normally do.... haii... just got no mood.....

Just now, borrowed sis's car and went to have dinner with Baby's family at his hse de coffee shop... they ordered many dishes... super full... don't know is it bcos me around, or they usually order so much de.... anyway.... don't know why super pai seh and quiet whenever with his family..... don't know what to say or what topic to touch on.... so I thought the best is not to speak too much..... :)

Just reached home and prepared some seaweed salad for Baby... for him to eat for tmr breakfast.... hehe...

ok la... tired le.... going sleep le.... *nite nite*

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