Saturday, October 10, 2009

HP got stolen... and some thoughts

Today, baby and mi went Orchard walk walk.... den i decided to go Kinokuniya read some books.... haii... stayed there for 2hrs... den after tat... went to shop shop ard take area... den suddenly, baby said Qi missed call him.. den i start searching for my mobile.... GONE!!!!! den used baby hp to call... line was switched off... faint.... i tink some1 stole it fm my bag while i leave it on the floor in Kino while doing some reading... i concentrating reading lor.... -_-

But i somehow very impressed about myself... cos, I dint realli got angry abt this... dint realli angry baby not taking care of mi n my things... My anger management now super good.... sorry, use wrong term... should be SUPER SUPER DAMN GOOD!!! I seriously feel that i changed le... I tink if last time, i will be scolding and shouting at pple.... but, now, i know that if i got angry abt these things.... i will onli be making other pple upset..... cos even if i gt angry abt things, there are certain things that cant be undo..... :>
Hmm.. i called dad and tell him abt the inccident... den ask him to meet mi at westmall.. cos the line under his name... so need him to be there to get the SIM card... Baby said he want to get mi a new mobile.. but i don wan.. hmmm... cos i know he oso very tight... so i ask dad if he ok to get mi a fone... i said i wan an iphone.... he ok with it... so sweet~~~ but den i found out the iphone need ard $800 with my current plan n recontract... i tink is too exp le... so i decided to get E66 (same as dad de... haha) so after all the contract n $80 voucher, the E66 cos $218.... the 2nd fone dad got for mi... the 1st is Nokia 8250 when i got it at the age of 17.
Today, I told baby that I feel that he don realli care n love mi le... den he ask mi why... i told him is just a feeling....
Tat day, they said that after being 2gather for 1-2yrs.. couple feeling towards each other will fade... I don agree... cos i know i will love the 1 I loved forever de...
In long run, I know tat no matter how close a couple is, there will always be disagreement, mis-communication, mis-understanding, lies, doubts, unhappiness... etc... even nagging (haha)... etc... but, if they seriously love each other, none of these outer factors will be able to break the relation ba... tat's how i feel....
Of cos, sometimes, I somehow will be affected by wat happen between us... or even be affected by wat others said... BUT, affected doesn't means that it reduced my feeling towards baby... It make mi tink more about realtionship... of cos, guys won't always understand how we feel... But i hope tat baby will try to know how i feel even if i don tell him wat's in my heart.... i know that the best is being straight forward and tell him everything, but as a gal, we don't realli tell everything ba... (^_^)

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