Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our 1st Oversea Trip - Batam (26th-28th Sept 2008)

Went to Batam with baby last sat.... hehe.. Ya... Our 1st trip out of Singapore..

The place is very nice... Sunset is very very beautiful... and many fishes.. hehe... Show u some pictures 1st before I go further... hahaha...

We board the ferry from Harbour Front... the ferry is called "BatamFast"... I tink baby is very very excited about this trip... cos he keep taking pictures... Actually, he wanted to bring mi go Taiwan de... but I feel that is too expensive le... so i suggested Batam... And we enjoy the trip...

I really love the company of Baby.... He always show so much love and care for me.... is not just in this trip... is since the day that i knew him....

We went to do a 90minutes full body massage, 30 minutes leg/head and shoulder message... and I done a 45min jap-body scrub... baby so funny lor.... keep LAUGHING when the lady massage his feet... he said itchy... LOL... ITCHY????? hahahaha...

I got to say that we eat a lot over there... Cos baby keep saying hungry every moment....haha...
Baby surprised me with a candle-light dinner on the 2nd night.... and I am REALLY SURPRISE... we susposed to got out for dinner tat evening.... den baby suddenly walk to the candle-light dinner de table and pull out the chair and ask mi to sit down.... I was like -_-"""" and ???????....... Den I start thinking "baby wanna take pictures ah?? so brave... other people's dinner and seats oso can sit down ah.....?" Den Baby ask the waiter to serve the food.... :) he is always tat sweet...... and we put fireworks when the food is served... No wonder he insisted to get some firework that afternoon... hehe...

Anyway, he secretly went to book the dinner while we were having our breakfast on the2nd day... Cos the 1st nite, I saw people having candle-light dinner atthe sea-side... No wonder, when having breakfast tat morning, he suddenly tell me that he need to go to the Gents... den never mind lor... he go super damn long lor... i tot he stuck in the toilet bowl lor... hahahahahha.. so the story is... he ran all the way back to our room and take $ to the cashier... no wonder he say eat breakfast don need bring anything... so, is he wanted to secretly "take" the money to do things w/o telling me.... "doing things behind me" ^_^ hehehe... but why he don just bring the $ with him huh... hahaha... anyway, he always so cute de wor.....

On the third day, which is the last day, we had our breakfast and "stole" 15-slices of bread to feed the fishes... Hahaha... Went to a seafood lunch and a day trip... And Baby don'd dare to eat the Gong-Gong.... haha.. so... I decided that, 1 day i WILL make him eat Gong-Gong and drink fresh milk de... haha...

Baby, thank you for everything.... Serious appreciate everything that u had done.... LOVE U MOST!! hehe...

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